pop e poppa daycare centres

pop e poppa follows the guidelines for early childhood education and care in Switzerland of the Swiss UNESCO Commission and the Swiss Childcare Network.

Each childcare facility develops its own pedagogical concept according to pop e poppa’s guiding principles and in line with our motto: the pleasure of growing together.


Labelled "eco-friendly", we support sustainable development and our education respects the child and the environment so that each child can become a responsible citizen.
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our quality labels

Montessori education

According to Maria Montessori's "Help me to do it by myself" principle, children are free to move around and perform tasks on their own, according to their abilities and knowledge, that adults would normally do for them.
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dad of two
Parents are integrated into the life of the daycare centre and several events allow them to discover the daily life of their children.
Mum of a two year old daughter
She loves the trips to the market, which not only teach them about seasonal fruits and vegetables, but also about road safety. She loves the crafts and the cooking workshop.
dad of a two year old son
My son really likes coming here. The teachers are very involved, they do a lot of group games and different activities, both in terms of motor skills and creativity and socialisation.
The children are well prepared for the next step: school!
Mum of Louise 2 years and Léonie 5 months
Louise has learned to share, she has learned to adapt to the older and the younger children, she has learned to take responsibility.
Mum Mother of a 3 year old son and a 10 month old daughter
The teaching staff are excellent, very professional, attentive to our needs and those of the children. Every evening we get a detailed report of how the day went. Communication is excellent!

our daycare centres