
before and after school facility in Corsier

la pomme

Opening hours

Kindergarten welcomes children from the age of 18 months until they start school.

Monday - Friday

08:00 am - 05:00 pm



School holidays


apply for a place

With the registration on the waiting list for a daycare place, we have all the necessary data to be able to take your child into account in the planning. Registration takes a maximum of 10 minutes and you will then receive confirmation by e-mail. As soon as the daycare has a free place for your child, the daycare manager will contact you.

presentation of the before and after school facility

Le jardin d’enfants La Pomme est une structure d’accueil subventionnée par la commune de Corsier et dont l’exploitation a été confiée à pop e poppa depuis janvier 2021.

Il est situé à côté de l’école primaire et de la mairie dans la campagne genevoise, dans une maison au rez de chaussée.

C’est un lieu de socialisation destiné à une fréquentation régulière. Son objectif premier est d’apprendre aux enfants de 18 mois à 4 ans à vivre et à jouer ensemble.
Christelle Berseth Socier
Christelle has been working in early childhood for 20 years. She has been working as a childcare manager since the beginning of the 2016 school year. In addition to her training as a childcare educator, she also holds a CAS in team management and project management, a CAS in professional practice ES (in the social field) and a bachelor's degree in sociology. She is also a lecturer and a jury member at the school for child educators in Geneva.

the joy of growing up

A good mind

Studies on neuroscience teach us that an empathetic attitude encourages better neuronal development.

I want to…

Open access to play means children deciding what they want to do and giving free rein to their imagination and to spontaneous movements.

The joy of playing

“Play is the work, vocation and life of the child”. It is not only fun, but it is essential too.


prix crèche à urdorf
prix kita winterthour
prix crèche à stäfa

additional documents

regulations (FR)


annual closure (FR)
