parallax layer

Daycare centre in Morges

Romande énergie

apply for a place

Parents must first contact the “Bureau d’information du Réseau AJEMA” ( and submit a request for pre-registration.

presentation of the daycare centre

The pop e poppa romande énergie daycare centre offers children age-appropriate activities in a secure setting.

The child is regarded as a player in his/her development in conjunction with the nearby natural environment. Respect for the individual and nature, pleasure, sharing and learning by experimentation and discovery are key values.

The educational orientation is adapted to the needs of the children and the expectations of their families. Cooperation with the parents is of vital importance here.

The daycare centre has a large private garden. The children can play, watch and experiment there peacefully and safely.

This pop e poppa daycare centre is a member of the Morges-Aubonne childcare network. The company Romande Energie SA subsidies daycare centre places for the children of employees.

Marie Dubath
Marie has been the director of the daycare centre pop e poppa romande énergie for 11 years. In addition to her training as a child educator, she holds a CAS in team management and project management, a CAS in mediation, as well as a CAS as a training practitioner. She is also an expert for the socio-educational assistant exams.

The joy of growing up

Imagine the world

The creativity workshops designed by our teams help the children to make progress and improve their concentration.

Music and movement

The exploration of noises, sounds, music and movement forms the basis for the communication of the future.

I feel like...

Free-access play means giving free rein to the imagination and spontaneous movements of a child.

A better world

For our teams, good treatment is a constant behaviour of respect and trust to value and encourage the child.

Additional documents

General terms and conditions (FR)


Regulations (FR)


Annual closure (FR)


Welcome Brochure (FR)


Regulations (FR)
